Stykkishólmur is one of Icelands most picturesque towns

What to do in Stykkishólmur

Stykkishólmur, with its colorful old houses, surrounded by the numerous islands and skerries of Breiðafjörður bay, is one of Iceland’s most picturesque towns and a popular film location. The town is also packed with options for activities, exploring and food.

One of Iceland's most picturesque towns


The small fishing village Stykkishólmur is renowned for its beautiful setting and holds some of Iceland's best-preserved and maintained old-style houses and buildings. It has been a popular film location, with The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller probably being the best-known. The people of Stykkishólmur are pioneers in recycling in Iceland and the community is certified by the Green Globe environmental sustainability label. 

Ship Ahoy! - Ferry, boat tours and kayaking

Stykkishólmur is on the south shore of Breiðafjörður bay and the many islands outside the coast make beautiful scenery and also great opportunities for exploring and several operators offer boat tours and kayaking

The car ferry Baldur sails daily from Stykkishólmur to the Flatey island and across the Breiðafjörður bay to Brjánslækur, connecting the Snæfellsnes peninsula with the Westfjords region.

The harbor itself is in a nice setting near the town's center, where you will find restaurants, cafés and street food trucks. You can check out a live camera overlooking Stykkisholmur harbor here.

People bird watching on a boat

Art and museums

Stykkishólmur offers a few very different but equally interesting museums. 

  • The Norse house is a regional museum, also with rotating art exhibitions and a museum souvenir shop.
  • The Library of Water allows you to wander between pillars of water from Iceland's glaciers and also serves as a pop-up concert hall.
  • The Eiderdown museum invites visitors to learn about the eider duck and methods of eiderdown “farming” in Iceland.
  • The Shark Museum at the old farmstead Bjarnarhöfn (20 minutes drive from Stykkishólmur town) holds the history of generations of shark fishers and processors. They of course offer you to taste the infamous Icelandic fermented shark.

More to explore


If you want to stay active the town and its neighborhood are packed with options. 

  • Stykkishólmur has a nice outdoor swimming pool with unique seawater hot tubs and a water slider for the kids. 
  • Hiking out to Súgandisey lighthouse from the harbor gives you a nice view over the town and out to sea and the surrounding islands. Other more challenging options like the geological wonder Drápuhlíðarfjall await within fifteen minutes drive away.
  • Food and dining. Wheater you feel like fine, street food or something from the grocery store, you will be surprised with the variety of options Stykkishólmur offers. 
  • The Snæfellsnes peninsula is one of Iceland's top destinations and is perfect to do as a day tour from Stykkishólmur (ca 150 km around the peninsula). Attractions include Snæfellsjökull National Park, Krikjufell Mountain, Arnarstapi coastline and Búðir church.

View a short video from Stykkishólmur here below.

To find out more check VisitStykkishó and

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